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rely on me.
I'm your awesome bitch.

Photobucket [S]hout [O]ut Ririnn'!
♥-d by 알렉산더.
Hong Kah Lite.
♥ 유키스// UKISSME.
Fun, lovable and outgoing bitch. Hyper is always a YES for me.
Wouldn't talk/speak/act like a Minahrep unless you make me to.
I love being lazy and I have a "fat people" attitude.
♥ being Sarcastic.
My sarcasm is 110%.
Singing & Dancing is my passion.
Rebellious at most of the time.
Family, Friends, Idol & Priorities are loved.
Won't elaborate much as I don't like wasting time on this. :D



I want you
Green Contact Lens
Natural Colour Lens
Yogurt Ice-cream again !
Yogurt Ice-cream
I want everything that I want.



Liyana Kecyqq Yutyut
Lindaa Beylo
Kyd Kassim


November 2010
December 2010


Well, i suddenly thought of this.. hmm..
I’ll back off so you can live. Say it directly, looking at me

Say it looking into my eyes. Did you just say you wanted to break up? Did you want to end it with me? I know you probably got a lady. I know you probably got sick of me. Even though the tears are rushing to me. I’ll back off so you can live. That is all I can say. I’ll forget you so you can live better. So that you’ll be happy without me. The love that you tossed away, you can take it. Don’t even leave a trace behind and take it all. Don’t even say you’re sorry. Don’t worry about me. Your lips told me that you were going to leave. Why does it give me a reason to be angry today? I need to stop you, the words don’t go out. And you are already moving far apart. I know you will forget me. I know I will really hate you. Even though you know everything. You're the reason I lived. You were all I wanted. It was me who only looked at you. Why are you leaving? Why are you tossing me away? If you were going to be like this, why did you love me in the first place? Do you happen to remember that day? That day when we first met. I still remember it.. The promise you made to me, that you will only care for me, that you will only protect me, that you will only love me.. I believed your lies, I believed it. Did you really love me? Nevermind then. I’ll forget you so you can live better;


7:55 PM

Eating Yogurt Ice Cream right now. hehs, :D Ohh yeaaaaaaaaa. Sape sape yang need bantuan, sila hubungi saye. cheybedah! mcm p. tapi betol ah. I can help, :P yeaay. da itu aje. Bye.
'Coz nothing last forever

6:18 PM

Straight to the point eh. Ehehms. AKU PON ADE MOODSWING.

To Liyana Kecyqq Yutyut: Hey Liyana!, kalau ade masalah, tolong SHARE. don't expect us to quarrel on something, blabla black sheep, then the next day kau cakap yang kau gitu pon pasal kau tgh bad mood?? LOL eh LOL! kecoh ah lu. mcm aku pulak yang salah nanti. dulu, selalu kau share. skrg, haprak pat hp aku pon tkde. -.- binget je. 

4:37 PM


Whatever eh girl, WHATEVER. 

2:16 PM


This is the cake that I mentioned in the previous post. Date 20101212'

Today, didn't do much. Woke up at12+ shower, eat, watch tv, played lappy. Since i wanted BBT so much, went down to the shop, and ordered Oreo Chocolate, Cheese fries, 2 cheesy hotdog and 3 seaweed chicken. Sodap oi!~ (Y) After that, eat again, took a nap, then FB -.- perangai mahu maintain siak. Budak gemok betol! haha, :D Then realised something. Budak-budak lelaki from JPS, my batch, suke flirt. yeaayeaa, im referring to some people. (: Tell you guys what eh, nak flirt biar betol. Takmo touch-n-go. Then fought with this guy name Hanafia sekejap. sial ah die. lagi satu nye fvck up! Tudoh orang tak tentu pasal. CB -.- then, had a little conflicts with Liyana through comment(?) you make me to. im sorry. whatever that rocks eh people. orang gini, rin bo layan. Maen jaoh'jaoh pon cantek. Urgggghh. Nak buat pancake ah! da, chaoz! besok ade band. itu lagi kaninabey. sial! _|_

11:43 PM

Ehh'ohhh peoples. So yeaa, went out with Sabrina Summer.. Went almost all of the town areas. lol! Firstly, that Summer girl woke up late.. gaaaaaaah! >.< but nevermind, i was also busy makeup-ing. Around 2+, went off to the bus stop and waited for her. Then took 334 to JE interchange, and took the MRT to Somerset. It was our mistake for taking the middle train which travels more to Somerset. So we decided to stop at Yew Tee and took back the train to JE interchange and change train -.- grrr~~ Waste time only. Inside the train, took pictures, laugh here and there, took pictures, eat STICKY, took pictures. HAHA! Reached Somerset, damn excited. GILA PUNYA OLANG. Went to the toilet first, touch-up, as usual. Then headed straight to KFC to eat lunch. Yummyummmm.. After that, went to ZARA since Sabrina needs to buy her mum a plain black t-shirt. Search for the t-shirt like Hell. Finally found that shirt, paid, and get out of that shop. (: Went to Forever 21, planned to buy those boots, but nah, went to the accessories part, was obsessed with those headband. Pretty sia. Maciam fvck gitu. hehs, :D Then went to the second level..third level..got all the things wanted, then pay and off we go. I suddenly wanted to go to the Icing Room.. hehe, so went there, make the decorations, like jialat like that. But overall, very cute you know. hahahaha. Then find the way out of that 313 mall, -.- reached Somerset MRT station, trained to Marina. Walked around Marina Bay Sands. Then went inside this mall (forgots the name of it) Tell you guys what.. ITS LIKE HEAVEN AND EARTH! fuuuuuuhh! brandBrandsBRANDED stuffs!!!! muhahahahaha!! Next time, must bring daddy go there (Y) Then finally found a spot to sit, talk, laugh, cut the cake i brought earlier. SO NICE~~ inside got frozen fruits. Me and Sabrina fights for it. stare at her, she stare at me. hahaha!! took pictures, again. "i whip my hair back and forth" hehhehehehe~ setupidd siaa. so random! After that, since we ate without even drinking, we planned to search for a place to drink. So yeaaaaa, trained to Orchard, jalanjalan, so many people there. TEENAGERS. too crowded. plus noisy -.- gaaah! Finally, went in Mac and i ordered Double Chocolate at Mac' Cafe while Sabrina just ordered Ice Lemon Tea. Sat at the top level. Boost up energy by drinking. HAHAHA!! Then took pictures. Manymany pictures. After that, went to Cotton On, searched for shoe. Found one while Sabrina bought a shirt and a short. Paid then trained back. Sabrina needs to attend her cousins birthday, so she stopped at Clementi. Had a really fun time with her. TIRED too. ^v^ but overall, it was Awesome!~~  Ohh yeaa! Sabrina, buy me something at Australia please! yeayy! thanks dear! hehe, :DD 
Monday blues....~~ =.= zZzzZzz Woke up at 4pm. omyyyyyyy!~ too tired I guess :/ hahaha! Nothing much happen on this day. yeaaaa~ sat at home the whole day, fb-ing, youtube-ing. Blablablabla~~ Nothing much. Until here there, (Y)
Woke up at 8am. =.=' Need to go for band!! Bussed to school, reached there at 9.26am?? lol! Marc called my name, he told me that I need to come at 9am because the last practise, i was late for 2 minutes... (-.-)(-.-) (-.-)(-.-)(-.-)(-.-)(-.-)(-.-)(-.-)(-.-)(-.-)(-.-) was damned fuck up. Seriously. I was only late for 2 MINUTES!! for god damn sake! aaarrrggggghhhhhhh!!!!!! whatever that rock your socks la eh. Buto! grr. Have our sectional practise, played Silver Bells, Feliz Navidad. Then lunch break. 2pm come back to school, have our combine practise. Played all the christmas songs. Plus the Feliz Navidad and Nobody. (: It was nice. i like!! After that, checked my phone, received a message from Liyana, then called her as i wanted to go to her house. Reached there, she asked me to played my Clarinet, i played, then after that, she got stomach cramps. =.= girls thing. yeaa yeaa. then, asked her to accompany me to go to the BBT shop, bought one cheesy hotdog and milk chocolate with pearls. Liyana bought coke with pearls and potato wedges. Went back to her house, eat inside her room, then, her father came back. Suddenly, Izzat(Liyana's younger brother) shouted because he received $50 from his dad. Liyana got it too. :D I only received $2. but nevermind, ikhlas kan cik, ;DD hehs. Abeh tak tawu?? We ordered pizza! hahaha! *jumps on bed* Liyana ordered christmas special. While waiting for the pizza to arrive, went to her room, slacked. Listen to the uztad. gaaaaahh. scary siaa. hmmmss.. perot aku ngan Liyana pon da bunyi. then at 9pm shrap, the pizza arrived. fuuh! finally!~~~ ate the garlic bread first. sodap siot! then followed by the Cheesy 7 pizza. fuhhhhh! caer~~~ hehehe. Then the honey roasted chicken wings. muahahahahaha! kenyang gile. then wanted to go back home, so Liyana accompanied me to the bus stop. 98 punyelah lembab. Al last, 10pm reached home sweet home. kekenyangan. {^v^} Thanks Liyana and Liyana's dad. hahah! And entered dreamland at 11+. TOO TIRED ALREADY. tak boleh angkat nor seret lagi horr. 

3:14 PM


Going out tomorrow with this Sabrina Summer! haha~ I mean today :/ HAHA! Shitz. Money?? Ohh gaah! Ask mum aites :D Awww~ LOL!

2:16 AM

Welcome. Thank you. QQUUUUEKK! hehs :D nothnig better to do. Well just now, got a call from Yio Chu Kang again! Dian, didn't went back home, again -.- Itu budak memang mintak kene lesing dengan aku tao! Dasar da mentel. Gatal sangat. Kawen pon cantek. (: Well, today, after band, went home straight since busok girl is hanging out with frog... gaaaahh. At home, watch tv, eat, sleep, surf internet~ Routine :) Aleh'aleh masok Facebook, saw busok's relationship status. Peng sekejap. Tak sekejap ah, peng habes! Da berpunye bukan nak news feed pat hp aku eh girl. Kao pon mintak kene jitak siot. -.- grr~ takpe'takpe. WATCH OUT! (Y) Alright after that, since my mood da cool down siket, i editted both of them nye gambar then jadikan satu. (As you can see above). Sweet of me. I know. 101210 huh? OK OK. will remember that horr. Last long eh korang. Eh busok! takmo nak sensitive eh. this applies to katakk also. sensitive nah sgt! mintak penumbok nabi, maot~ haha! so yeaa, LASTLONG! {^v^}


1:46 AM



2:39 AM


'Eh betine. Kao kawan aku, aku kawan kao. Bile aku jumpe kao je eh kite mesre'mesre ni semue. Da tu, kao da keluar dgn kawan kao yang laen, da tak mesre? Buto sama kao la sundal. Perangai mau maintain. Jangan harapkan muke kao lawa and sweet je. Berape tahon berkawan tu tkmo sie'siekan eh girl. Aku tak pernah sound kao tao. Jangan aku kasi muke pat kao, kao naek kepale pulak. Da bagos aku tak boh kao la, sialan (: Kao ade lover, fine. Kao ade kawan laen, fine. Tu semue hidop kao sendirik. Part'part dgn aku, kao takmo tikam'tikam eh eh. Comment pon tkmo nak sarcastic. Aku sekarang ni tak let it out betol'betol tao eh. Harap kao da makan cili ah, biar terase :D Good luck eh girl. Ingat, maintain kao nye fvck up attitude. *winks

; I've got too many Sensitive friends. {^v^}

3:11 AM

Alright Bitches & Assholes! 

See that picture of a man up there. LOL! Thats Kiddei. My senior. Who always think that hes awesome that he will win in whatever he does. NOT! :PP Well, today its his 18th Birthday! Ffeeewweeeett~ Clubbing oi clubbing. HAHA! Dah abang'abang ah ni boboy. Aww~ Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday to Kiddei, Happy Birthday to you~! Selamat Hari Jadi, Selamat Hari Jadi, Selamat Hari Jadi Kiddei, haha! Selamat Hari Jadi. Saegilchuga hamnida~ Saegilchuga hamnida~ Saranghae Kiddei Oppa... Saegilchuga hamnida!~ wweeeeeeeeeetttsssssss!~~~ Penat siol type. -.- pfft!   Ohh wait, another one more song, Panjang umornya~ panjang umornya~ panjang umornya serta mulia~~ serta mu~li~aa~ serta mu~li~aaa~~~ ! yeaay! *lompat lompat* hehehe *kenengupdown* Present Barbie Doll ok ok? Best! OKLAH folks, byebye. I don't know what else to type. :/ Hehs :DD

13..14..15...16..17...*jengjengjeng..18! *claps hand*

2:02 AM

Hello KPOs! Gonna tell todays story OK?? Go! Once upon a time.. Eh no no! Today woke up at 8am -.- Due to mummy's loud boombasticxs voice that says "Farina!~ Bangun eh!~ Pergi skolah, kalao tak, aku "debik" kao~!" haiyoo. Kecoh ah itu minah. LOL! But, as I woke up, I can still laugh as my mum is late for work, yet she still can walk here walk there. Pfft! Matalapon betol! Anyways~ Still half asleep, took a quick shower, siapsiap, then kemas bilik tu semue. Ikat rambot, spray perfume. Mak Ai! Kalah orang pergi kerje. Hehs :D Then supposedly to be at school at 8.30 due to SOME reasons. Gaaaahh!~ But then, reached school at 8.57?? lol. Then saw Mdm. Erna's baby. Awwww~ Damn cute. Like his mother, the student, from Sec 2C, Farina.  Aww~ HAHA! No link siol. Then the baby's saliva drip. Eww. Still cute oi! Blablabla~ Went in to the band room. Practisepractise. Play songs. 4 songs?? Fuuh! After band, suppose to go out with MJ and the kaki gereks, but cancelled as I was fvcuking tired and I need to accompany my sister go to Yio Chu Kang to sound her younger sister. This is where the real story start. Cheyy! *lompat lompat* Went there, heard the full version 5.2 story. hehe! BUT! That's not the only story la eh. Sorry reader, KPOs, stalker, but starting from this part of the post, I really need to type like a Minahrep. For this one only. Peace. Wait eh wait, [Loading Minahrep type... 67%..82%..] .. [100%] LOL! Amaciammmmmm?~~ Baekkkk pe?? Ok ok, starting from NOW! First story: Dian, 13 years Old. Die tonn and pukol 8 pagi baru balek. Habes ah die, kene rembat from 3 peoples. Mother, Brother and Father. Itu balasan eh girl. Kao cakap dengan adek2 kao yang kao nak amek MP3 from your kawan, then ended up, kao tak balek. Motive kao ape sial? Aku pon tawu ah yang kao tu stress tinggal pat rumah. Asyek kene marah tak tentu pasal. Lagipon kao byk siot adek beradek. Sape tak stress?? Mau maintain uh perangai. Kao tonn, abeh kao balek pon ape kurang? Dapat present ah. Pala buto. Kao still kene marah kankan? Plus additional rembat lagi. Kao suke per kene pukol? Nak tonn tu, puas hati tkya balek. (: Ake cume nasihat kao satu je: Kao tu perempuan oi. Jage maruah. Kao piker kao perempuan, then kao tonn'tonn gini, jantan2 semue tak eager? Kao mane tawu. Check2 dorang pakai barang then anoh kao baru kao rase. Bukan satu jantan je anoh kao, dorang rolling la siak! Anyway, kao ade byk trusted siblings. Aku pon da anggap kao sebagai adek sendirik. Apetak, abe tak tawu? Beep ah aku. Share stories ngan aku. Maybe kao nye type of person tak sanggop nak share stories with older people, then share nan aku. Aku ngan kao jarak 1 tahon je babe. And aku pon teenager mcm kao. Apape, kao bilang. Takmo keep it to yourself. Kao cakap kao tak suke tinggal pat rumah kao kan? Then datang sini. Tido rumah aku. Ape salah. Macam tak biase pulak eh kao. hmmss.. kite ckp'ckp gini because we still care for you. Manela tawu eh, orang buat kao ke ape ke, then kao balek bawak lagi satu dalam perot. Firm makbapak speechless. Laen ah kalao lelaki yang buat kao tu nak tanggong, kalao dorang tknk?? How?? Terpakse kao didik anak tu sorang ah.. Pandai2 kao. Kalao kite tak care pasal kao, kite takde nak ckp'ckp gini ah. Buang energy je. Kao nak merayap, tu kao nye pasal. Kao mati ke, kene rogol ke, kene culik ke.. tu kao nye diri sendirik. Confirm kao peng kan? Itu sebab, don't make this mistake again. Kesiankan makbapak kao. Kao tawu hidop kao da susah, tkmo tmbah susah lagi. Anda faham?? :D So gyeah, apape text or call me. (: Kao takmoh ikot macam kakak and abang tiri kao. Dorang tu tak ade kepale otak. They're the MALAONs. Kao tgk abang kao tu, si Wan, dgr2 da tercapai pe cite2 die. Nak kawen gangster pe. Ah, kawen ah kao. Kao power pe da buat orang. First kao buat, taknak tanggong. Then second ni pulak, ape crite?? *Speechless* Nak sgt pe kawen shotgun. Go ahead. Biar kao bahagie. Enta kao lastlong ke tak, tu kao nye seluar dalam. You are digging your own grave, ASS. Thats all for today yer folks. I don't like wasting time to post about them. Yang satu, terlalu OUTGOING, lagi satu, da pandai buat anak pe. Powerr oi.(: yeaa yeaa. Muke nak letak mane pon aku tak tawu. WHADDAFUCK gitu. ^.^ OKlah, I'm done?? LOL. Bye BARUAHs. :DD

;Think twice before you shoot for it.

1:42 AM



At Liyana's house right now.. Updating my blog as Liyana is bathing. -.- Setupid busok. Now then wanna bath. If only I didn't tell her that I wanna treat her the B&J ice-cream justnow, I think she wouldn't have bathe now. ASS! HAHAHAH! Well, my plan for today is to buy Green contact lens right right?? I thought of it again..and.. err.. I don't know what brand to buy. So yeaa, put aside that matter first aitees?' hees. :D Guess what people.. I've not eaten anything.. again =.=" But today, seriously, must force myself to eat. Hope kiddei didn't read this post. LOL! Because he told me to eat yesterday but I didn't. (Y) Mianhae oppa~ Its almost 5.30 now~~ That busok haven't come out from the toilet yet. What is she doing?! hmmmss.. I'm bored. Let's talk about the past life of me and busok. (: I remembered once when we were 11/12 years old, busok went to my aunt's house, then went to the toilet. When suddenly, I opened the door w/o knowing..and WALAA!~ She was standing infront of the mirror..and... and.. hehehe! Sorry busok! She was .. nah! I can't tell. Later she would kill me. :P Anyway, it was her fault for not locking the door. Eheh, wait. It's my fault! muahahaha! She did lock the door..but I took the toilet key and unlock it. *wide smile* Yesyes, i know. I'm am 210% evil last time. yayy!~~ *jumps on bed* ~~ Busok's handphone just vibrates, i think she received a message from my father?? LOL! Katakkk ohhh katakkk. hahahaha! {^v^} Alright! Shes finally out from the toilet. Gotta chaozs for now. Bye readers.

'My heart stops whenever I saw you.

5:31 PM

See that girl on the picture there?? ^.^ That's me. And this is credits to Roslinda. HAHA! Anddd.. yeapps! Finally!! My brain function best and I know the way to change the picture~~ (Y) So awesome of me. I know :/ It's 4.10am.          Should be soundly and peacefully sleeping right now. Guess not huh... >.< Ohhmyyyy! I wouldn't want to get my eyebags worse, am I? LOL! Definitely.. NOT! Yeahyeah, gonna sleep now. Bye folks, stalker, KPOs. 
'Tell me that you love me..

4:09 AM

[Loading.....54%..69%..86%..100%] Hello! I'm back Back BACK to blogger. HAHA! Credits to May. I love you darling. Currently, I'm busy finding out on how to change that picture>> see that?! GAAAAHH!` hmmmss.. Anyway, not much happen today. :/ After band, straight away went back home. Pfft. Mummy 4 days straight got Girls Day out. I'm being left alone. Fvck! Never wanna treat her the B&J ice-cream. *merong! :PP hahaha! I'm guessing, tomorrow I'll buy new contact lens?? Green maybe? {^v^} gosh. I kinda don't have an appetite. Not sure why. Ibu asked me to seek doctor tomorrow..I mean today.. if this matter occur again. I don't want! *stick out tongue* It's 3.20am now. I am still awake. -.- Bitch. urghhhhh. I'm still finding a solution on how to change that picture into mine. >.< Angry much huh? Hell yeah!! Well, will post today afternoon/evening maybe. 

;i  like being sarcastic.

3:16 AM